Hi, my name is Sabine, but I go by “Bibi”. I'm a wife, mom of two munchkins & healthcare professional.
I started The Healthy Orchid after battling with anxiety for several years. I would say it was triggered following my mothers cancer diagnosis in 2017. Her cancer was found by accident while hospitalized for something completely unrelated. Although I remained positive, no one could really predict the outcome of what followed. Her quality of life deteriorated and sadly she never recovered.
She passed away March 2018 as I administered CPR in her final minutes on earth.
I later realized that part of my healing journey included helping and empowering women like myself to grow and blossom through anxiety with thoughtfully crafted products tailed for women.
Although there are no quick solutions to overcoming anxiety, it is truly the smallest things that make the biggest difference.
To me an Orchid symbolizes love, beauty and strength. The reason Orchids fail to bloom is due to insufficient light. My goal is to shine a light on all the women who feel their light has been dimmed. I hope you enjoy my site and each of you can feel supported and encouraged.
Sending love, light and positivity,